Atlanta Jewish Times (February 24, 2021)
Atlanta is chock full of interesting movers and shakers, some bent on creativity, empire building, activism and/or just plain having fun and living the good life. Lean in to hear some of the off the cuff remarks about what makes Hillel activists mother-daughter duo Linda Selig and Stacey Fisher tick.
For Linda Selig and Stacey Fisher, philanthropy runs in the family. Together, Selig and Fisher serve on the board of Hillels Of Georgia, a student organization dedicated to creating a Jewish safe haven for over 5,000 Jewish students on 24 college campuses across Georgia.
As board chair and vice board chair of development, respectively, Fisher and Selig have become critically important partners to Hillels of Georgia volunteers, fellow board members, staff and students. From leading meetings to securing donors, this team is dedicated to enriching the lives of Jewish students across Georgia so they may enrich the Jewish people and the world.
Find out who makes the best chopped liver and which Israeli prime ministers they have met.
Marcia: What’s your latest fashion disaster?
Linda: What fashion? I don’t go anywhere. I can’t wait to get back out there!
Stacey: I wore PJs on a Zoom call.
Marcia: My best Jewish dish is:
Linda: Chopped liver, hands down.
Stacey: I’m known for my stuffed cabbage.
Marcia: By whom have you been star struck?
Linda: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
Stacey: In the same vein, Shimon Perez, a living legend walked into my Wexner Foundation meeting. We all rose and sang “Hatikvah.” So moving.
Marcia: What’s on your night stand?
Linda: I’m rereading “My Promised Land: The triumph and tragedy of Israel,” by Ari Shavit. A must read.
Stacey: “The Henna Artist” and “On the Run in Nazi Berlin.”
Marcia: My guilty pleasure is:
Linda: Playing Word Streak on the computer.
Stacey: Graeter’s mocha chip ice cream in Cincy.
Marcia: She is better than me at …
Linda: Staying organized and calm.
Stacey: No one can top her energy!
Marcia: Hillel is important to me …
Linda: In today’s world especially, it is the frontline and safety net for this generation.
Stacey: I am passionate about it because I have four children approaching adulthood and making decisions.
To see the original article, click HERE.